New Art Series

New Series and Giveaway Winners

I didn’t think that I would have to put a helmet on immediately into 2025 but man oh man things started off fast. The world seems like the wild west all of a sudden but there is still hope in all of it. I am starting to see somewhat of a revival on the Horizen. People are talking about “meaning” and “truth” more and more each day. Even in my immediate circle it seems that something has shifted, and people are searching. The future looks bright!

The beauty about trapping yourself in your studio and painting 8-10 hours a day is that you get to listen to podcasts or audio books and let your mind go. This week alone Joe Rogan has had a Christian scholar Wes Huff and Mel Gibson on his podcast. I would highly recommend both as they were insightful and thought provoking in their own ways. Jesus was talked about in both scenarios at great length. There was also an announcement by Mel Gibson for starting the production for “The Resurrection of the Christ” movie. All of it is exciting but what got me thinking even more is how these people of great influence in our culture are all asking about Jesus. The point in all of this is not to rest your hope in people but in Jesus. The more the Bible and Jesus Christ is talked about the more positive influence can be established in our culture and people saved!

John 1:5

“5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

New Art Series

The timing of it all is so interesting and inspiring. I decided before the end of last year that I would be unveiling a series of paintings that are based on John 1:5. These will not all be Biblical based paintings, but the vast majority will be. The key to this series is the Light and Dark and how those to two things play into many different scenarios. I can’t wait to start showing you what I have been working on and what is brewing in my mind. Stay Tuned!

Giveaway Winners-


Please reach out for the details and I will get these out to you!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Have a great weekend all!

John 1:5

“5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”


or to participate.